“Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth” Jeremiah 33:6.
MY name is Rita Awam and I worship at Izziahngbo District of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Abakaliki Diocese, Ebonyi State. I want to testify of the healing and deliverance of the Lord upon my life.
For over ten years, the enemy afflicted me with a strange sickness that defied all medical treatments. I had noticed the sickness before my marriage in November 2008, and since then, we have run from pillar to post in search of cure.
I usually experienced a moving object around my tummy and whatever it was would continue to move until it gets to the lower part of my abdomen. The pain that accompanied it was so severe that it often made it difficult for me to walk or lie down.
There usually would be a sensation in the lower part of my abdomen and at such occasions, I would feel very uncomfortable to the extent of wondering whether life was worth living any more.
It was always difficult for me to sleep. Whenever it starts in the night, I would find it difficult to sleep and so would keep awake till the following morning. This had been my ordeal for all these years.
In fact, passing urine or defecating even became a big problem because of the pains that usually went with them. It was such a harrowing experience that made life very boring and unpleasant. I would cry and lament so much that sometimes I would ask God to take away my life.
My pastor counseled me and encouraged me to have faith in God and not to allow the devil to start jubilating that he had succeeded in tormenting me. I listened to his wise counsel and prayed to God inearnestly to forgive me whatever sin I had committed that might have attracted the sickness to me.
Throughout this period, the church was praying for me and my husband and I never ceased also to pray about the problem. I went to some hospitals and spent a lot of money but the illness persisted. One night, I had an encounter with an occult man in my dream and he told me he was going to kill me.
I told him to repent or else he would not escape the wrath of God. This same person confronted me physically in the market place later on and after all that he did, the sickness became severe.
However, there is a popular saying that whatever has a beginning would also have an end. After one of our Sunday Light fellowships, a brother, who had visited the village from Lagos saw me, and after a brief discussion with him about my health condition, he suggested that he would take me to Lagos to see some pastors who would pray for me. I told my husband about it and we went to see the brother.
After some discussions, we agreed to come down to Lagos with him on an appointed day.
In Lagos, I went to some Watchman Fellowship Centres. The pastors in all the locations we visited prayed for me and the Lord honoured their prayers.
As it is now, I am completely healed and all the ugly experiences have ceased; and they have ceased forever in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Praise the Lord!”