“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away” Revelation 21:4
I am Comfort Eziagbor, a member of the Orile Coker Parish of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Lagos. I want to testify to the glory of God of His divine healing upon me. Tuesday, July 20, 2010, has come and gone but the memories it left behind have remained indelible in my mind.
It was a Charismatic Hour day, and the minister who officiated that day told us that after he returned from the pastors’ preparatory vigil; he decided to have some rest. As he slept, he had a dream in which he was called upon to raise somebody who was dead.
Few minutes after he woke up from the sleep, his phone rang and it was our district pastor calling to mandate him to handle the fellowship of that evening. He told us that as soon as that instruction was given to him, he immediately associated it with the dream and began to have the feeling that God wanted to do something spectacular in the lives of the people that day. Interestingly, the topic of the message for that day was, God, The Restorer.
When he was through with the Charismatic Hour message that evening, he prayed diversely and extensively against the spirit of death. Little did I know that an affliction was lurking at a corner to strike me.
I left for home that day fulfilled and satisfied. When it was time to go to bed, I prayed with my family asking God to give us a good night’s rest and we all slept. When I woke up early in the morning to assign to my children some domestic chores they would undertake before going to school, I noticed some pains in my body but I did not allow it to bother me.
I later went to the sitting room and lay down on a chair but when I wanted to reposition myself properly on the chair, I discovered that one part of my body had become stiff, and within some minutes, I couldn’t raise my hand and feet again. I felt a terrible pain on my neck and it dawned on me that the enemy had struck.
I groaned in anguish and called the name of Jesus, which attracted the attention of my children who rushed to me wondering what had gone wrong. By the time they helped me to my room, I wasn’t able to talk again and my heart was panting.
Some of them started praying while others made contacts with some brethren living around. And when some brethren came, they prayed and after a while, I got some relief. They suggested I should be taken to the hospital but I declined, saying that I did not want to be placed on any injection or drip.
At that juncture, my pastor who had also come asked the general choirmaster who was one of those that had come to see me and pray for me, and he started with one of our choruses: The changer of the laws of the Medes and Persians. By the time he was through with the prayers, I felt refreshed and my condition began to amend.
The pain, however, was still so severe that I cried profusely unto God for His divine intervention. While still writhing in pains, another set of brethren came and when they heard what happened, they also prayed for me. God eventually answered the prayers of all the brethren.
Soon, I got enough strength as some sisters helped me to the bathroom to take my bath, massaged me, and applied some balm on my body, and by the time they were through with that, I came out of the bathroom without help. I walked into my bedroom, dressed up and came to the sitting room to join the brethren and that gave rise to another service of thanksgiving to God.
I went to the hospital later in the day as I was advised because of the pain but today, I am totally healed. No more pains, no limping, no paralysis, no stroke.
Praise the Lord!”