“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him from them all” Psalm 34:19.
MY name is Ikechukwu Henry Eneboachi of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, London. My beloved wife, Chinyere Eneboachi, and I are here today to joyfully share with you the testimony of how the Almighty God intervened in our matter and gave us the bouncing baby boy that we desired, after six years of marriage.
After our marriage in 2004, we had the usual expectation that soon our babies would start coming; but that was not what happened. The enemy was obviously fighting to prevent my wife from conceiving, so as to discourage us; but we were not deterred, but went ahead serving God joyfully.
In May, 2006, I had a dream where our Regional Pastor in Europe here (Pastor Tony Okeke) came with the General Superintendent of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Pastor A.C. Ohanebo, to visit us in London. When they arrived, Pastor Okeke introduced me to the man of God as one of those assisting him in the work here.
When the man of God heard that, he asked me what I wanted and I told him that I needed a child. He prophesied that in four days time, I would have what I asked for. In real life, the four days mentioned by him in my dream meant four months. So, after about four months, and for the first time since we got married, my wife conceived. But, unfortunately, she had a miscarriage after sometime, and we lost the baby.
In another dream, the man of God was holding a crusade and as soon as I joined the crusade, he walked up to me and asked me to lay my hand on my wife’s tummy, and when I did, he prayed; and when I woke up, my hand was actually on my wife’s tummy. Soon after, she took in again, but lost it also after some time. My wife later told me that after our wedding, a woman who was not happy that she got married appeared to her in a dream and threatened to hinder her conception.
When the man of God then came to London, I met him and narrated my experiences to him, and also shared those dreams with him. He prayed for me and said that the enemy had lost the battle.
In January 2009, Pastor Uche Ogubuike who had relocated to London from Aberdeen, Scotland, declared while ministering that The Weather [Had] Changed! And evidently, the weather changed.
After the 2009 IGMC which was held in Germany, one of our pastors from Lagos came to Londonwith the mandate of the man of God and before he returned to Nigeria, while he was praying for me and my wife in his hotel room, he said that my wife was already pregnant. That same week in July 2009, my wife went to the hospital to keep an appointment and surprisingly, after the doctor had examined her, he exclaimed that she was pregnant.
The pregnancy was severely threatened. There were clear signs of miscarriage. But during a particularly striking Charismatic Hour message here in London titled, Under The Shadow Of The Almighty, Pastor Uche, while ministering made a declaration that the child in the womb was safe and would be so until he safely arrived.
Also, that same night, my wife had a dream where he saw our pastor visit us and pull something out from her stomach. I am sure it was an angel of God that appeared to her wearing the pastor’s face. After this encounter, the story of miscarriages became history.
Later my wife was told that she would deliver through cesarean section but we went to God who formed the child in the womb and the Lord assured us that it would be by normal delivery.
Her Expected Date of Delivery (EDD) was April 4, 2010 but she said she wanted to have her baby on April 1. We prayed to God and the Lord honoured and answered the prayers and she put to bed on the day she desired (April 1, 2010) with little or no stress. Praise the Lord!”