It was after several years of seeking a solution to the fruitlessness that had besieged their marriage that somebody suggested to them to come to the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement. And when they eventually came to the Watchman Fellowship Centre, Okoko, Lagos Diocese, God removed their problem and made them parents of children. Since then, Henry Chibuzor Obijiofor and his wife, Nkechinyere, have not hidden their happiness and gratitude to God for showing them this great kindness. Charismatic Signs was at the Watchman Fellowship Centre, Okoko, to listen to their startling testimony and behold the lovely triplets given to them by God. Although the husband had earlier testified, it was the happy mother, Nkechinyere Obijiofor, that thrilled the church that day with her testimony:
WATCHMAN, praise the Lord! Brethren, I have come to appreciate the God of the Watchman who has delivered me from the reproach of fifteen years of fruitlessness. We got married in the year 2000 with very high expectations in the area of conception. The first year was uneventful but we kept our hope high believing God that the second year would turn the table around for the better. But alas, that was not the case. My husband and I visited some hospitals when it dawned on us that we needed to approach the situation medically while also praying for God’s intervention. While the situation still persisted, some concerned people suggested that I should go for adoption, an advice I was not disposed to. I kept believing God and looked up to Him for divine intervention.
When it was time for God to act, He arranged for my husband to encounter one of the brothers in the Watchman who told him that although he did not want to interfere in his family affairs, yet he had the persuasion to introduce him to a church. When my husband probed to know which of the churches he had in mind, the brother said it was the Watchman, and it was at Okoko. When my husband came home that day and told me what somebody had suggested to him, we agreed that he should go there first to survey the place. When he came back from the fellowship that day, he narrated his observations and spoke so convincingly about the place that on the next fellowship day, we had to attend together. And we have not stopped coming since then. We attempted to see the pastor on two occasions but we were not so lucky, so I told my husband that I was convinced that we should not bother him that as we keep coming and listening to the messages, God would do something. However, whenever the pastor prayed in the area of conception my ‘Amen’ was always the loudest.
During one of the crusades the church organized titled: Elders At The Gate, the pastor, by the word of knowledge, mentioned my name and declared that God would make me an example amongst women, but I hardly understood what that meant. I was sitting somewhere at the back and fell under the anointing. By the time I regained consciousness I found myself in front of the congregation. At the end of the meeting my husband told me that he heard what the pastor said and that the programme was arranged for me. I held on to the declaration and in my closet I would kneel down to pray that God should honour His word as spoken through the mouth of my pastor. I was so happy that I told some of my friends what God had said concerning me and they assured me of their prayers. Brethren, the Lord visited me in August last year with the conception and eventual birth of these children (triplets), perhaps to compensate me for the years of waiting. Whenever people who had known me before this time see me now, what they usually ask is: ‘how are your children’ and not ‘how is your baby?’ I am now a mother of children and God has put the enemy to shame.
I thank God for this testimony because it has gone beyond these shores as people have been sending me text messages to congratulate and rejoice with me. My prayer is that God, who has visited me with these bundles of joy, will as well visit our sisters who are looking up to Him for the fruit of the womb in Jesus’ name. Praise the Lord!”
The father of the triplets, Henry Chibuzor Obijiofor, had earlier testified…
“Watchman, praise the Lord! God has just broken the yoke of unfruitfulness in my family after about fifteen years. It really became a matter for concern; my parents, siblings and friends were worried and some suggested some places but I resolved not to look elsewhere but to God. We kept our fingers crossed and trusted in the ability of God to see us through. As the years rolled by, it was as if nothing was going to happen. But last year, my wife took in. When I told one of our brethren, he suggested that I should allow her to register at one of the General Hospitals. Whenever she visited the hospital, I would go with her. After about three months, she went for scan and it showed that she was pregnant with triplets. After a while, she said she would like to accompany me to my business place so that some doubting Thomases would see that she was really pregnant, and so would not begin to say tomorrow that we merely adopted the children. I reasoned with her so we went together on one of the days. After she had left my business place, some people came to tell me that they saw my wife and congratulated me on her present state. Now, along the line, doctors went on strike but because the doctors attending to her had known me, we agreed that she should be referred to one of the private hospitals where she could be monitored. Every other week she would go for a scan so they could monitor the growth of the babies until she was due for delivery.
After nine months and about two weeks, she went for another scan which proved that the babies were okay and due for delivery. But they said it would be by Cesarean Section. She was told when to come and at the appointed date, I accompanied her as usual and just about the space of twenty minutes she was taken to the theatre, God took control and the babies were delivered safe and sound. The doctors and nurses were all in a joyous mood after the successful delivery of the babies and I was also highly elated. They each weighed 2.9kg at birth but there was a sad twist of event later on. Soon, my wife began to bleed heavily and that put the doctors on their toes. I could see from her countenance that she was weak and at a point she asked me to bring the children to her. I was only able to take one of them to her. She looked at me and said I should take good care of them. I was surprised at that statement but I encouraged her to be strong that we shall not tell any negative story. I assured her that God was in control.
She was transfused with four pints of blood and even at that, her blood level was just 18 per cent. Gradually, by the grace of God, she began to regain her strength as God stopped the bleeding. She was discharged after some days. Now they are doing quite fine. Praise the Lord!